Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Exciting Projects

My goodness do I have some stuff in the pipeline. I think I'm being over-ambitious, but I'm going to give it a go.
Firstly, as I have already mentioned, I am on a health kick. So far so good - however - can't wait for the antibiotics to kick in and get rid of this heavy chest.
I had a quick look at Dervala's site tonight to find a link to something that has really intrigued me....NaNoWriMo here I come! What a fabulous idea! I was umming and aahing about it, particularly the time constraints of writing 50,000 words in a month, when C fixed that up with some good old fashioned bribery. He'll come on a holiday to Hong Kong with me if I get the 50,000 words finished by the deadline. That sort of opportunity is too damned good to pass up. I'm going to get cracking on a novel plan in the next few nights.
Meanwhile I'm doing it hard with caffeine withdrawal. I just have to cut my Diet Coke intake for my health's sake alone. I drink way too much of it and not enough of anything else. So have only had one very small bottle today, and managed to make it to lunch time without caving in. I felt pretty crap by then though. Will try to go without completely tomorrow.


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