Saturday, September 17, 2005


I think I've mentioned before that I sometimes sell stuff on Ebay. I've got loads of old books and magazines lying about the place, so I put a few items on last weekend to see if there was any interest out there. I recently bought a cool box of magazines from the 1950s. I'd almost like to keep them myself, but my instinct tells me that I can make some money here.
Anyway, I scanned the cover of the first one on the pile, and put in a quick list of some of the stories, including a fairly conservative story about spanking. My, have the spankers crawled out of the woodwork! Creepy little spankers.
Two blokes emailed me for a scan of the article. I thought about this for a while and thought I would crop part of the first page of the article, just enought to make it interesting - see below. After all, I'm not going to give everything away - I want to sell the magazine after all!

I emailed this to both the people who asked. One guy emailed back saying "thanks".
The other one.......

"Wow, this is awesome! Do you have the other two pages of it? I only saw and could open just the first page -- but it was quite provocative indeed! Where are you located? I forget exactly how I contacted you -- presumably through a Yahoo spanking group, yes? Tell me more about your spanking life, your experiences, your hopes and longings in the "corporal arts!" Oooo-la-la! Ever spanked/paddled/caned/strapped at school? Who did the spanking at home: mom or dad? Belt? Paddle? Hairbrush? Hand?


Paul forgot exactly how he contacted me - it was through ebay you freaking dork (I must remember to take my name out of that Yahoo spanking club). And this did not come out of my personal spanking collection.
He'll probably track me down now through a google search on spanking. Yippeeeeee.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Los Angeles, Melbourne oh Goodie.....

Well it seems that terrorists have announced to the world their next targeted cities. No-one seems sure if it is a credible source.
Announcing a target seems a strange thing to do. Wouldn't it be easier to just keep the element of surprise? The people of LA and Melbourne will be all prepared! And then the terrorists will bomb the heck out of Boston and Sydney.
I can be all blase and smart-arsed, but I do live 70km from Melbourne. Yippee. Just another thing to obsess and worry about. There is a website called that has had about a kazillion hits. I'm thinking of creating a website called "" and feature lots of photos of me being snivelly. Seriously though, you know, of all the places in all the world. I'm dropping the midget off at Melbourne airport next week to fly to Sydney to spend a week at her Nanna's for the school holidays. Airports also make me apprehensive. I'm never quite happy about flying, or putting my loved ones on planes.
Los Angeles however, could do with a bit of a razz up....only jokes. I think "LA" and I dont think Hollywood or glamour. I think LA airport, East Coast Airport closures, LA smog, strip searches and the angriest I've ever been with anyone in customer service. But I will leave that rant about my experience in LA airport last January for another time.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Aaargh. I have just read an incredible post about the highest bar of parenthood (read the post entitled "Six Years") and am now feeling completely inadequate. I just took the midget down to the shop and was too far behind her to stop her from having a dreadful stack off her bike, in fact for one second she disappeared behind a parked car and I feared the worst! However, a few nasty welts and scrapes, and no tears whatsoever (brave girl)and she's fine. And I feel even more inadequate.
My life is blindingly complicated at the moment. And really, honestly, it is all of my own doing. This relationship I am in is high-maintenance of the millionth degree, and I felt very close to throwing it all away this week. Sometimes it is too hard. I wont say any more.

Here is a photo of the lovely midget at "The Jump Rope for Heart" day at her school. How do children get all this energy? I thinked she skipped all day. The kids all had to wear something red - so I got her some natty new red closthes. However the natty new red shorts kept falling down and we were getting some natty pink undies action. Luck they were sensible undies, or we might have had some coin-slot action!

Monday, September 05, 2005

Oh Katrina!

I've been getting myself into trouble and commenting on a number of blogs about the relief effort that is happening in the USA. It seems beyond belief the complete mess they are making of it.This guy says it all, so much more eloquently than I can manage.
I also think it's a bit of a mistake to throw money at the problem. I just dont trust that my money would get to the right place. Everybody seems to think the Red Cross is a good bet. My impressions of the Red Cross are based on this; When the East Timor humanitarian crisis was happening, the Red Cross people were driving around in brand new Mercedes Benz (as were the United Nations people I might add) and staying at the only decent digs left in Dili, while the people were trying to survive sheltering under bits of corrugated iron. I know this for a fact. The company I used to work was the only shipping line in and out of East Timor (from Darwin in Australia) for some months. We shipped everything - food, cars, tanks, you name it. I dont want my money going into "administration". I want it to help people, practically. I'm not sure if the Salvos are as dominant a force as they are in Australia, but I would definitely give my money to them in preference to anyone else.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Kick Arse Graffiti

This is some freakoid graffiti. We walked past this abandoned building in Melbourne on Wednesday. I'm not a fan of the scribble, but I love this. New-age hieroglyphics!