Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Grooviness is beyond my reach

I wanted this blog to be all humorous and witty but I've just run out of puff with it. If I sit down to think of something funny I just lose interest and then I get nagged to death by C. For some reason this is really important to him, not so to me.
I just had a look at yaksox's blog for the first time in ages. I just love the watermelon helmet. Yaksox you are my hero. I wish I knew how funny you were when you lived a few streeets away from me. www.sunnybreaks.org. Have a geek - he's a cack. I'm not sure how teaching English in a Christian girls high school in South Korea is treating him. He sounds a trifle on edge.
Anyway, back to my blog dilemmas. I've decided it's going to be a boring diatribe of the days events until I can think of something funnier.
I was MOTIVATED today. Quite rare. Felt bloody good, have to keep the energy going. Worked hard, till I ran out of puff at about 5pm. Came home, bought washing in off line. Did more washing. Baked cookies and tuna bake, for an interesting dinner combination. Did even more washing and have clean school uniforms ready for bub for tomorrow. Have clean underwear and clothing for myself. Oh my God it is a bloody miracle.Bub was bathed, hair washed and blow-dried!
I enjoyed work today, no drama, no stress, everything under control. Ready for the boss to return tomorrow and throw my life into disarray. I have to take notes however, or I will never remember what he wants me to do.
I had a nice evening with little bub. I love that angel so dearly. She helped me cook a little bit and then we did reader-cover and did the mermaid thing in the bath with the washing of the hair.
The house still has a boring air. Can't get the computer geeks out of the computer room. Hate the coldness of the house. Would just love to watch half an hour of mindless television.
Away now to put washing in the drier and have a two minute shower. Did I tell you how much I hate having a water tank that does not cope with four people living in this house, particularly in winter when the only relief from the cold is a steamy shower??


Blogger yak sox said...

Edna?! Hehe. took me a minute to recognise you. How the heck did you find me? It shouldn't surprise me when people really know how to use google, but so few people do that it does. surprise me that is.

Ah y'know I'm okay. Sometimes I get the culture shock and it makes me want to wear fruit.
I wouldda emailed except I couldn't pick out which was yours from the gang mailing list.
Thanks for the nice compliments. It always feels a tad weird when real life people I know come across sunnyBs, but then my mum started reading every morning without fail so I had to get over it.

Hope all youse are well back there. Let me tell ya australian summers are way better than korean ones.
Say "hi!" to C. for us.

10:15 pm  

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