Saturday, March 19, 2005

Forbidden Topics

They say there are three things that you shouldn't talk about in company. Sex, politics and religion.
I'm not going to talk about sex. There are way too many blogs and websites and chatrooms completely devoted to that. Plus one of my lovely readers is 17.
I'm quite interested in politics but talking about politics is usually a one-sided boring rant.
So that leaves religion. Who can I offend today?
I'm not religious. There have been many times in my life where I wanted to be religious, you know, to be sheltered from the storm. I just couldn't believe, as much as I wanted to. And I am from stock who have had Catholicism shoved down their throats for centuries, the Irish. My parents were brought up with religion looming large in their lives. My dad is a former altar boy, and my mother a nurse who was trained in a Mater hospital and who had considered becoming a nun.
My five year old daughter has been exposed to religion and has seized it with the frenzy of a zealot. She is VERY religious. We say grace at mealtimes on her insistance. C & I go along with it. C's family were/are also very religious, but of another faith - Christian Science (NOT SCIENTOLOGY!). This faith is of the genre that "You can heal your life" with prayer and positivity. The positivity part I do give a lot of credit to.
The only thing that draws me to some kind of religious belief is the whimsy that an after-life exists. My mother died suddenly when I was 14. I was completely bereft, still am in a way. The idea that I could see her again and hug her and cry and laugh is too delicious for words. It's ALMOST enough to drive me to religion.


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